Tuesday, September 30, 2008

[VACANT POSITION] Graphic designer for CCF Jakarta

The French Cultural Center in Jakarta is looking for a young male graphic designer who will also be in charge of technical aspects of our cultural events and website updates.

He should speak English fluently (oral & written), be well organised, hard working and willing to work for long hours. Ability in French language and experience in arts and culture field will be an advantage.

Please send your CV & your portofolio before
Monday 13 October 2008 to :

Pusat Kebudayaan Prancis / CCF Jakarta
Jalan Salemba Raya No. 25
Jakarta Pusat 10440
tel. (021) 380 85 80
fax. (021) 390 85 86

or by email to : wiwi.siregar@ ccfjakarta. or.id [wiwi(dot)siregar@ ccfjakarta( dot)or(dot) id]

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