Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Urgently Needed For Field Cost Estimator

We are from MBP Skill Indonesia, a leading reputable Human Resources Consultancy. Our client in Gold Mining Company looks for suitable candidates to fill the post of:

Field Cost Estimator (2-211-50)

• Willing to be located and working in jobsite at Tembagapura, Papua.
• Contract based for 6 months (contract will be reviewed per 6 months based on the
performance and needs)
• Education background is Undergraduate (S1) as a Mechanical Engineer or Civil Engineer from
reputable university.
• Have working experience for 2-5 years in estimating project budget from start until completion of the project (man-hours,material and equipment).
• Have knowledge and can operate computer software: WinEst (cost estimate), AutoCAD, Primavera and Ms. Office.

An attractive remuneration package commensurate with experiences and qualifications will be offered to the right candidate.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications with CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp- or PO BOX 4270 JKTM 1400 or visit our web www.mbp-skill. com and quote the above listed reference number of position.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Job vacancies di Brunei

Job Vacancies

Lookin for 2 Superb Motion Graphic Designer who Have real passion in this field

The Qualifications are:
Creative, Understanding the why and how of motion graphics
Familiar with 3D App : 3DMax or Maya or Cinema 4D
Familiar with compositing programs : After Effects
Effectively blend with the team
And willing to work abroad (Brunei)

Candidates MUST submit a "show reel" of their graphics work.
Candidates also should have a willingness to work nights, weekends and holidays.

Major Duties:
Primary Job Desk. Assembles, produces, designs and creates 2D and 3D motion graphics such as broadcast graphics, flying logos, tv commercials, promotions.
Secondary Job Desk. Assisting Director in directing shots on
purpose to get the footages that you need for graphic compositing.

Minimum 1 Year Work experience in this field as 3D artist with motion graphics projects or related.

Estimated monthly fee:
+/- Brunei $1250 (the same value as Singaporean Dollar)

Sent Your Showreel and CV to this email address:
coro82@yahoo. com or URL that link to your showcase.

Closing Date: 8 June 2008

Shazanas Production House,
Brunei Darussalam

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgently Needed For Chief Instrument Engineer & Field Cost Estimator

We are PT. MBP Skill Indonesia, a National Company focusing on HR. Services, principally Consulting, Contracting, Training and Administration.

We are currently inviting qualified Engineer for our Client to fill the position of

Chief Instrument Engineer (MBP 2-211641)

Qualifications desired:
• Male / female min 30 years old
• S1 Degree in Electrical/ Instrument Engineer
• 5 years working experience in the field of Instrumentation engineer and Electrical design
• Proven knowledge of Electrical Instrumentation equipment
• Familiar with Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and Distributable Control System (DCS) and
trouble shoot Commissioning
• Ability to communicate in English
• Willing to be assigned to the remote location
• Contract for 6th months and will be extended after 6th month will depend on our Client actual
needs and the work performance

Field Cost Estimator (2-21150)

• Willing to be located and working in jobsite at Tembagapura, Papua.
• Contract based for 6 months (contract will be reviewed per 6 months based on the
performance and needs)
• Education background is Undergraduate (S1) as a Mechanical Engineer or Civil Engineer from
reputable university.
• Have working experience for 2-5 years in estimating project budget from start until completion of the project (man-hours, material and equipment).
• Have knowledge and can operate computer software: WinEst (cost estimate), AutoCAD, Primavera and Ms. Office.

An attractive remuneration package commensurate with experiences and qualifications will be offered to the qualified candidate

Only qualified candidate should apply, please send your applications with CV and recent photograph to: resumes@mbp-

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan untuk editor seni musik dan olahraga


Ganeca Exact, sebuah perusahaan penerbitan dan percetakan buku-buku pelajaran dan penunjang pendidikan lainnya, membutuhkan beberapa tenaga muda untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

Minimal S1 Seni Musik IPK minimal 3,00Umur maksimal 30 tahun
Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang editing (tanpa pengalaman tetap diperhitungkan)
Menyukai dunia perbukuan

Minimal S1 Olahraga/Pendidikan Jasmani
IPK minimal 3,00
Umur maksimal 30 tahun
Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang editing (tanpa pengalaman tetap diperhitungkan)
Menyukai dunia perbukuan

Segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda sampai tanggal 10 Juni 2008 ke:

Anis Apriliawati
Departemen Editorial
Penerbit Ganeca Exact
Jln. Raya Hankam, Komp. Satrudal
Jatirahayu, Pondok Gede 17414
Telp. (021) 84973048 (hunting)
Fax. (021) 84973102
www.ganeca-exact. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Sebuah perusahaan pengelola Wahana Rekreasi Nasional di Jakarta Timur, membutuhkan staf Marketing & Promotion, dengan kualifikasi :
1. Laki / Perempuan
2. Pendidikan D3 - S1
3. Usia max.30 th
4. Berpengalaman di bidang Marketing dan Promosi
5. Suka bekerja keras
6. Berinisiatif tinggi

Job Deskripsi pekerjaan :
1. Membuat strategi promosi untuk perusahaan
2. Membuat program pemasaran dan promosi
3. Merencanakan dan melaksanakan event

Kiriman CV dan lamaran lengkap (dengan foto) ke : fany.oktaviani at

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Lorem Design

LoremDesign is seeking a fresh graduate talented graphic designers, just send your PDF portfolio including your potrait and CV to job@loremdesign. com

we currently located at kelapa gading, jakarta

have a nice day.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Dwi Sapta Advertising buka lowongan

Urgently Needed :

Junior Art Director
- Perempuan, Max 27 tahun
- Mampu bekerja secara team work
- Menguasai software grafis
- Hand Drawing (sebagai nilai tambah)
- Berpenampilan menarik (sebagai nilai tambah)
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
- Fleksibel

kirim CV dan portfolio (max 3MB) ke :
Dwi Sapta Advertising
a/n : Dendy Triadi
email : dendy.triadi@ dwisapta. com
atau ke dendy.triadi@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Berbagai Lowongan di Distributor dan Penerbit Buku

Lutfi Agency, Sebuah perusahaan distributor dan penerbitan yang telah berkecimpung di bidang buku selama lebih dari 20 tahun membutuhkan beberapa personil, sebagai berikut:

1. Staf Administrasi Keuangan (Kode: SAK) (2 Posisi)
- Wanita
- Usia max 25 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Akutansi, Manajemen, atau jurusan lain.
- Menguasai MS Office
- Menguasai pembukuan dan perpajakan
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif
- Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin
- Diutamakan yang berpengalaman

2. Marketing (Kode: Mkt)
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 23-30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Menguasai MS Office
- Suka buku
- Memiliki jaringan media yang luas
- Memiliki mobilitas tinggi
- Lebih disukai bisa mengendarai mobil/motor
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif
- Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang buku (penerbit/distribut or/toko buku)
- Mampu membuat dan mengimplementasikan marketing dalam satu tim.

3. Checker (Kode: Ckr)
-Pria usia maksimal 28 th
-Pendidikan minimal smu atau sederajat
-Menguasai wilayah DKI Jakarta
-Berpengalaman sebagai marketing/ sales buku terutama toko buku gramedia
-Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin

4. Editor (Ed)
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 23-30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (Jurusan Sastra Arab/Inggris atau jurusan lain)
- Pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang editorial
- Kreatif, terutama dalam ide pengemasan buku
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris (aktif), lebih diutamakan jika juga menguasai Bahasa Arab
- Menguasai tata bahasa Indonesia dengan baikdan benar, serta bisa menuliskan gagasan dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan baik
-Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin

5. Copy Editor (CE)
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 23-30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris/Arab (pasif)
- Menguasai program-program setting dan desain (pagemaker, photoshop, corel draw)
- Komunikatif, disiplin, jujur, teliti dan tekun

6. Staf Pra-Cetak & Produksi (Kode: SPP)
- Pria
- Pendidikan minimum D1
- Usia : 23 – 30
- Pengalaman di bidang terkait minimal 1 tahun
- Menguasai program-program setting dan desain (pagemaker, photoshop, corel draw)
- Menguasai seluk beluk teknis percetakan
- Kreatif, disiplin, dan jujur

7. Checker (Kode: Ckr)
- Pria usia maksimal 28 th
- Pendidikan minimal SMU atau sederajat
- Menguasai MS Office
- Menguasai wilayah DKI Jakarta
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang buku (penerbit/distribut or/toko buku)
- Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin
- Bisa mengendarai mobil/motor

8. SPG Buku (Kode: SPG)
- Wanita 20-25 thn
- Pendidikan minimal SMU
- Berpenampilan menarik, tinggi minimal 160 Cm.
- Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang sales
- Menguasai MS Office
- Komunikatif, jujur dan disiplin
- Posisi kantor di Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan.
- Lamaran + CV dikirimkan via e-mail ke lutfiagency@ Pada subject e-mail mohon cantumkan ‘Lowongan (Posisi)’, contoh ‘Lowongan Mkt’ untuk posisi Marketing.
- Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan mendapatkan rekomendasi untuk tes serta wawancara. Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 3 Juni 2008.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Lowongan di travel agent

Tour and Travel Agency based in Holland is looking for a representative employee to be placed in Bali (Sanur Area).

The candidate will be responsible for :
- Administration and Correspondences
- Website updating
- Assisting and coordinating FIT and Group

The candidate must have :
- Excellent oral and written English skill
- Computer skill (Microsoft Office)
- Self-motivated, well organized with attention to detail
- Ability to work as a team player

Dutch language skill is a plus. (Dutch course will be provided by the company)
Please send your application and CV at the latest of June 5th, 2008 to: aseanho@aol. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan LSI

Lowongan LSI

Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI/www.lsi. sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang survei dan konsultan politik membutuhkan:
Code A. satu (1) orang pria/wanita untuk posisi koodinator event organizer (member club)
Code B. dua (2) orang wanita untuk posisi account executive (sales)

Dengan persyaratan:
1. Usia maksimal 30 tahun (Code A), maksimal 27 tahun (Code B)
2. Berpengalaman mengelola acara-acara komunitas seperti diskusi, seminar, workshop minimal 3 tahun (Untuk Code A)
3. Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi personal yang baik.
4. Mempunyai pengetahuan dan wawasan serta jaringan di bidang politik
5. Lulusan S1 (Code A) dan D3 (Code B)
6. Mempunyai kemampuan selling
7. Berpengalaman dalam penjualan minimal 2 tahun (Code B)
8. Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif

Apabila Anda tertarik, kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV ke alamat email: id (dian At sebelum tanggal 31 Mei 2008.

Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Bold Communication

Bold Communication sedang membuka lowongan untuk Account Executive dan
Jnr. Account Executive.

Jika tertarik tolong kirim CV ke:
recruitment@ boldindonesia( dot)com
cc ke:
kosmas_santosa@ boldindonesia( dot)com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Milestone Ad

A fast growing Advertising Agency in Jakarta is urgently looking for candidate(s) to fill in the following position:


- Male/ Female
- Bachelor Degree Graduate
- Minimum of 2 years in an advertising agency.
- Good at both creative concept and technical designing.
- Team work performer with high integrity
- Must have a portfolio of previous work
- Able to present creative works to client

Candidates must be able to use the following programs:
- Macromedia Freehand
- Macromedia Flash
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Microsoft Word & Excel (Basic only)

Your role will be to design and develop concepts for the use of full campaign advertising
Handling respectable clients, locally and internationally

Fluent in English is a must!

Must be able to work on a tight deadline and prepared to work overtime if needed.

Very exciting and definitely a challenge

Please apply in confidence with your updated CV/resume (only CV/resumes in English will be considered) by email and attach your recent photograph and send them immediately no later than 31st of May 2008 to hrd@milestonead. com

Only short listed candidate will be notified

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Advindo

Passionate young and talented young peoples of advertising are wanted.

Position available:

1. Creative: Graphic Designer
- Male or female
- Remarkable portofolio
- Passionate, exelence in details and dynamic
- Need to know ADOBE programs
- Min. D3 Certificate

2. Account Service: Account Manager
- Male or female
- Min. 3 years experience on

3. Account Service: Account Executive
- Female
- Honest and hard worker
- Min. D3 Certificate

Send us email, thanks.

HR Advindo
E-mail: advindo_advindo@ au

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


HR Manager Needed (Urgent)


One of Palm Oil Plantation Leader in Indonesia is seeking for a Human Resources Manager to be located at our Head Office in Kalimantan Tengah, with below requirements :

1. At least 5 years Experiences as HR Manager
2. Experiences in factory would be an advantage,
3. Able to handle more than 5000 workforce
4. Have a strong communication skill
5. Have a strong HR working system such as remuneration, SOP, recruitment, payroll and HR legal docs
6. Have a strong managerial skills
7. Able to work below date lines
8. A strategic planning person
9. Mature
A good remuneration package would be offered.
We are seeking persons with above qualities only, so for those who have less qualification are not suggested to apply.
All documents would be treated strictly confidential.
Please send your Full CV with current photograph and application letter to the e-mail address: lystya@inmail. cz or fax to 053221396, attn. to: Miss. Sari, before June 7th 2008.

Since it is a confidential job vacancies, the confidentiality of this HR
Manager recruitment is under my responsibilities, so if you have questions
please leave an sms to my mobile 05326712806 (Miss Sari) then I will contact you asap. "Telephone calls before sms notification wouldn't be responded".

Thank you so much.

L. Wahyusari
Personal Assistant to COO

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Communiart

Communiart (EO) di Surabaya dan Jakarta, membutuhkan AE-Event

Syarat :
1. Fresh Gradute (diperbolehkan untuk apply)
2. Berpengalaman kerja di bidang marketing Min 1 tahun
3. Umur 22-26 tahun
4. Laki-laki/Perempuan

Lamaran dapat dikirim via email ke :

activation.recruitm ent@yahoo. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di B:Integrated

B:Integrated dan bergerak di bidang Integrated Brand Communications membutuhkan 1
(satu) Copy Writer dan 1 (satu) Art Director dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Copy Writer (CW)

1. Pengalaman kerja sebagai Copy Writer minimal 2 tahun.
2. Usia di bawah 30 tahun.
3. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris secara baik.
4. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
5. Pekerja keras dan deadline oriented.
6. Memiliki pengetahuan luas.
7. Minimal pendidikan D3.
8. Kreativitas tinggi.

Art Director (AD):
1. Pengalaman kerja sebagai Art Director minimal 1 tahun.
2. Usia di bawah 30 tahun.
3. Menguasai program-pregram desain (Corel, Photoshop, dll) secara baik.
4. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
6. Pekerja keras dan deadline oriented.
7. Memiliki pengetahuan luas.
8. Minimal pendidikan D3.
9. Kreativitas tinggi.

Bagi yang tertarik, silakan mengirim lamaran disertai dengan portfolio ke:

Creative Manager
Jl. Darmawangsa XII/118
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12160
Email: kiki@b-integrated. com

Jika melalui pos, harap menuliskan kode lamaran
(CW/AD) di pojok kiri atas amplop.

Jika melalui email, harap menuliskan kode lamaran
(CW/AD) di subject email.

Terima kasih,


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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgently required: Digital Imaging (DI)

Urgently required

Digital Imaging (DI)
Job requirement :
1. Male/Female
2. Min. D3 degree in Graphic Design, S1 will be advantage.
3. Proficient in Photoshop software is a must.
6. Fresh Graduated are welcome
7. An eye for details
8. Able to work in a team, under minimum supervision and meet tight deadlines.

Please send your portfolio, application letter, a current & comprehensive resume with a recent photograph to (by e-mail only): andy_tanoe@yahoo. com
We regret that only suitable candidates (with portfolio) will be notified.

For further info about our company, please visit www.thelooop. com
The Looop Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu 2/18, Cilandak Barat
Jakarta 12430, Indonesia
tel +6221 7590 0902-3
fax +6221 7590 0901

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di jurnal hukum "Jentera"


Redaktur Pelaksana

Pusat Studi Hukum & Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK, bisa diakses di situs: www.pshk.or. id), sebuah organisasi non-pemerintah yang bergerak di bidang penelitian dan advokasi hukum sejak 1 Juli 1998, membutuhkan seorang redaktur pelaksana untuk jurnal hukum "Jentera". Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengalaman di bidang jurnalistik, editing dan pengelolaan jurnal. Latar belakang pendidikan di bidang hukum merupakan nilai tambah yang akan diperhitungkan.

A. Persyaratan
a. Sarjana ilmu sosial.
b. Mampu berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan.
c. Mampu menggunakan MS-Office.
d. Memiliki pengalaman jurnalistik, editing dan pengelolaan jurnal.
e. Memiliki kemampuan mengelola jaringan penulis.
f. Memiliki daya analisis hukum dan sosial yang kuat.
g. Kreatif, berinisiatif tinggi dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.

B. Komponen Surat Lamaran:
a. Tulisan mengenai "Gagasan atau Konsep Saya tentang sebuah Jurnal Hukum" yang dimiliki
oleh kandidat, maksimal 1500 kata.
b. Curriculum Vitae lengkap dengan pas foto berwarna ukuran 3x4, 1 lembar.
c. Contoh tulisan ilmiah/populer, diutamakan tulisan yang pernah dipublikasikan.

Lamaran dapat disampaikan melalui email/pos paling lambat: Minggu, 15 Juni 2008 ke:
PSHK – Pusat Studi Hukum & Kebijakan Indonesia
Puri Imperium Office Plaza, Upper Ground Floor, UG 11-12,
Jalan Kuningan Madya Kav. 5-6, Jakarta 12980 – Indonesia.
Tel. (62-21) 8370-1809, Fax. (62-21) 8370-1810.
u.p: Diah Rahmawati, Office Manager PSHK

diah.rahmawati@ , cc: pshukum@pshk.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :






1. Waiter & Waitress
2. Demi Chef
3. Head Chef (Chinese or Asian Cuisine)
4. Sous Chef (Chinese or Asian Cuisine)
5. CDP (Chinese or Asian Cuisine)
6. Commis (Asian cuisine)
7. Receptionist

- Male / female, max. 30 years old (1), 42 years old (3), 38 years old (4), 35 years old (2,5,6)
- Graduated from min. Tourism High School
- Having experience min. 1 year in same position
- Able to speak English
- Good personality and health
- High motivation to work overseas

Walk-in interview or send your application with comprehensive CV to :
Menara Hijau 14TH Floor
Jl. MT Haryono Kav.33 Jakarta 12770 , Indonesia
Telp. 021 – 7987533

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Various Vacancie

Urgently Required

Choice Management Consultants is looking for the following candidates for its client, looking for:

Chief Engineering
(a consumer good company in Surabaya & a manufacturing company in Jakarta )

* S1 major in Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum 5 years experience in building/manufactur ing maintenance
* Experience in manufacturing company is preferable
* Strong oral and written communication skills in English & Bahasa Indonesia
* Proven the ability to work effectively in a team
* Excellent interpersonal skills
* Excellent leader and high loyalty
* Excellent communication
* Permanent Position

Head of PPIC (a manufacturing company)

* S1 major in Industrial / Mechanical Engineering,
* Minimum 5 years experience in the same field
* Experience in manufacturing is preferable
* Strong oral and written communication skills in English & Bahasa Indonesia
* Proven ability to work effectively in a team
* Excellent interpersonal skills
* Excellent leader and high loyalty
* Willing to work in Bogor
* Permanent Position

Sales & Marketing Manager (a consumer goods company)

* Male
* S1 degree, major in marketing is preferable
* Has minimum 5 years experience as Sales & Marketing Manager in consumer goods industries
* Available to be stationed in West Java and East Indonesia
* Strong oral and written communication skills, both in English & Bahasa Indonesia
* Proven ability to work effectively in a team
* Excellent interpersonal skills
* Excellent negotiation skills

Marketing/Senior Broker (Insurance)

* Hold minimum D3 graduation
* Minimum 1 year experience in insurance company
* Target-oriented
* Strong oral and written communication skills, both in English & Bahasa Indonesia
* Proven the ability to work in a team effectively
* Excellent interpersonal skills
* Excellent communication and negotiation skills

For the position above we have attractive remuneration. Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV and references by fax (021) 2511 459 or by email to recruitment@ choice-mc. com, no later than 2 June 2008.

Candidates will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@ choice-mc. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Monday, May 26, 2008


Vacancy for HR staff

Career Opportunities

Publicis Indonesia is one of the major advertising agencies in Indonesia, part of a leading international Paris-based agency network.We have an impressive track record of successful campaigns. To expand our company we are looking for high caliber candidates to fill in its continuous growth :

HR Staff

• University degree in Psychology or Management
• 1 years experience in related area
• Excellent English
• Computer literate
• Good communication skill, filing system, and enough knowledge of psychological test

Send your qualifications to our email: hrd@publicis-

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Account Executive

A Below The Line Advertising is looking for :

1. Account Executive
· University Graduate
· Good Interpersonal Skill
· A Team worker
· Persistent
· Quick Learner
· Ability to Manage Pressure

2. Account Executive Assistant
· College Graduate
· Good with Administration
· Fluent in English both Writing & Speaking
· A Team worker
· Good Writing Skill
· Creative

Salary + Commission

if the target is accomplished

Send Resume To : preista@gmail. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Software Developer Needed

Introducing, we are CPS-Elements an Aviation Industry Service Provider.
We successfully deliver state of the art, and high quality solutions to our Costumers.

On behalf of one of our Costumer, we are looking for high qualified self starters that would
like to take the challenge to work in this exciting industry.

I.Aviation Software Developer
You will evaluate, develop and design complex applications and functions.
You should have at least 3 years of experience in software design & development, and are
familiar with C/C++ programming, Python or similar scripting languages, and have in depth
knowledge of state of the art Software Development Technology & Internet Application Design (Open GL). You provide knowledge & programming experience under LINUX, as well as UML & XML expertise.

II.Junior Software Developer
You will evaluate, develop and design complex applications and functions.
If you are a fresh-graduate or having at least 1 years of experience in software design
& development, familiar with C/C++ programming, phyton or similar scripting languages
and have in depth knowledge of state of the art Software Development Technology & Internet Application Design (Open GL).

You provide knowledge & programming experience under LINUX, as well as UML & XML expertise.

And, if you are a self-starter and like to work in a challenging environment, then this is the ideal job opportunity for you.

Please contact us and provide your details via Email to: AviationSoftwareDeveloper@CPS-Elements. com

Or you can check out our email on : www.CPS-Elements. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Oracle DBA Vacancy

vacancy for position Oracle DBA. Location: Jakarta
-Minimum 2 years working with Oracle Database
-Has a good skill on Oracle Database daily maintenance tasks such as Performance Tuning,
Patching, Upgrading, backup and recovery,capacity planning,capacity sizing, etc
-Has an experience on Oracle Dataguard, RAC, Partition, OEM Grid Control, or any other
options of Oracle DB would be a beneficial.
-Has an experience working on Oracle DB on UNIX/Linux is a must
-Knowing concept or technologies of any Storage Subsystem Vendors, eg. Veritas, HDS, EMC
would be a strong benefit
-Has a good Analytical problem-solving and root cause analysis skills
-Team Works player and Service oriented behavior
-Has ORACLE 10g / 9i Database Administrator Professional Certification would be a beneficial

please kindly send your resume to axl.manitou@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Friday, May 16, 2008


Lowongan Kerja di Kemang

Josey Ferrad (Oche)
Dj & Label Manager
www.spinachrecords. com
www.ririmestica. com
Kemang I No.12H Jaksel
021.719 0584

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Registered Nurses Location: Australia

We are seeking qualified and experienced personnel to challenge career overseas in Australia to fill position as:


Qualifications: Registered Nurses

Experience: Minimum of 5,000 hours advanced practice in last 6 years of proven experience in nursing.

General Desired profile:

· Min. 27 – 37 years
· Proficiency in English (min. score of TOEFL 560 or TOEIC 725 or IELST 7)
· Good interpersonal skills
· Candidates with experience in International Hospital/Clinic with references will be preferred.
· A self starter, energetic, good personality, highly motivated, inspirational, ability to work independently, and good team work.
· High motivation to work overseas

Please send your application with comprehensive CV, recent photograph (4x6) 2 pages, copy of identity card, copy of birthday certificate, senior high school certificate, nursing license certificate, New South Wales Registered Nurses certificate, previous job references and academic transcript to: trainingcentre@ milleniummudaman or rini_surjanie@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Dental Specialist and General Nurses

We are seeking qualified and experienced personnel to challenge career overseas in Bahrain to fill position as:

1. Dental Specialist for:
1. Pedodontist
2. Prosthodontist
2. General Nurses with Dental experiences


· Bachelor of Dentist (1a and 1b)
· Diploma of Nursing (2)


· Min. 6 years of proven experience in dental specialist, have active dental license, have certificate of dental specialist for pedodontist (1a) and prosthodontist (1b).
· Min. 3 years of proven experience in dental and have active nursing license (2)

General Desired profile:

· Min. 27 – 35 years (1a and 1b)
· Min. 25 – 30 years (2)
· Proficiency in English
· Other language is highly desirable.
· Good interpersonal skills.
· Candidates with experience in International Hospital/Clinic with references will be preferred.
· A self starter, energetic, good personality, highly motivated, inspirational, ability to work independently, and good team work.
· High motivation to work overseas

Please send your application with comprehensive CV, recent photograph (4x6) 2 pages, copy of identity card, copy of birthday certificate, senior high school certificate, nursing license certificate (2), dental specialist for pedodontist certificate (1a), dental specialist for prosthodontist certificate (1b), references from previous jobs and academic transcript to: trainingcentre@ milleniummudaman or rini_surjanie@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Urgently Required : Various Vacancy

Choice Management Consultants is looking for the following candidates for its client, looking for:

Chief Engineering (a consumer good company in Surabaya & a manufacturing company in Jakarta )
§ S1 major in civil engineer
§ Minimum 5 years experience in building/manufactur ing maintenance
§ Experience in manufacturing company is preferable
§ Strong oral and written communication skills in English & Bahasa Indonesia
§ Proven the ability to work effectively in a team
§ Excellent interpersonal skills
§ Excellent leader and high loyalty
§ Excellent communication
§ Permanent Position

Head of PPIC (a manufacturing company)
§ S1 major in civil engineer
§ Minimum 5 years experience in the same field
§ Experience in manufacturing is preferable
§ Strong oral and written communication skills in English & Bahasa Indonesia
§ Proven ability to work effectively in a team
§ Excellent interpersonal skills
§ Excellent leader and high loyalty
§ Willing to work in Bogor
§ Permanent Position

Sales & Marketing Manager (a consumer goods company)
§ Male
§ S1 degree, major in marketing is preferable
§ Has minimum 5 years experience as Sales & Marketing Manager in consumer goods industries
§ Available to be stationed in West Java and East Indonesia
§ Strong oral and written communication skills, both in English & Bahasa Indonesia
§ Proven ability to work effectively in a team
§ Excellent interpersonal skills
§ Excellent negotiation skills

Marketing/Senior Broker (Insurance)
§ Hold minimum D3 graduation
§ Minimum 1 year experience in insurance company
§ Target-oriented
§ Strong oral and written communication skills, both in English & Bahasa Indonesia
§ Proven the ability to work in a team effectively
§ Excellent interpersonal skills
§ Excellent communication and negotiation skills
For the position above we have attractive remuneration. Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV and references by fax (021) 2511 459 or by email to recruitment@ choice-mc. com, no later than 23 May 2008.

Candidates will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :



tvOne membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

> Atraktif dan Komunikatif

> Dapat beradaptasi dengan baik
> Min. Tinggi 170 CM (Pria) dan 165 CM (Wanita)

> 3-5 Tahun pengalaman sebagai Creative Director / Assistant Creative Director
> Memiliki kemampuan menulis dengan berbagai macam konsep
> Tertarik dengan dunia desain

Kualifikasi Umum:
1. S1 dengan usia maksimum 24 tahun (posisi 1 dan 2)
2. Min IPK 3.00 (posisi 1 dan 2)
4. Memiliki kemampuan baik dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Dapat bekerja dalam tim
6. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani

Kirim CV disertai pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
Tulis KODE POSISI di kiri atas amplop ke alamat dibawah ini :

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap hubungi :
HRD DEPARTMENT (021) 461 35 45

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Butuh TV Presenter

Kami membutuhkan ASAP:
TV Presenter perempuan untuk memandu Pelatihan TV Talkshow. Bersedia
keluar kota Jakarta selama beberapa hari selama penyelenggaraan
pelatihan tersebut. Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi diatas atau
memiliki kenalan dapat japri ke keke_vandragon@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgently Required : Head of Human Resources

Urgently Required

Choice Management Consultants is looking for the following candidates for its client, a consumer good company, looking for:

Head of Human Resources

• Male or Female
• S1 degree in Law, Management, Psychology or related field
• 5 years experience in handling HR development (training development, employees development, employees plan)
• Having good knowledge and ability to manage and administer in organization
• Having knowledge of manpower regulation
• Good command in English
• Permanent

Interested candidates are invited to submit complete applications (CV and application letter/application e-mail) by fax or e-mail to the address below, before 16 May 2008.

Only Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Human Resources Department
Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@ choice-mc. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


I Radio butuh Reporter

Dibutuhkan Reporter
Kualifikasi :
ÿ S1 semua jurusan atau D3 Jurnalistik / Penyiaran / Komunikasi
ÿ Pria
ÿ Mengikuti perkembangan berbagai isu berita.
ÿ Bisa bekerja sama dalam tim
ÿ Bisa bekerja dalam tekanan (deadline)
ÿ Bisa bekerja tanpa batasan waktu (termasuk hari libur)
ÿ Bisa bekerja dengan mobilitas tinggi.
ÿ Umur Maksimal 28 tahun
ÿ Lebih disukai yang sudah pernah bekerja di media
Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 31 Mei 2008
Kirimkan lamaran anda ke :
89.6 FM I-Radio Jakarta
Gd. Sarinah Thamrin Lt.8
Jl. MH Thamrin No.11
Atau kirim ke redaksi@iradiofm. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Urgently Reguired For Senior Mine Engineer Under Grond

MBP Skill Indonesia

One of our clients, an International Gold Mining Company operating
in West Java is involved with a number of projects and is looking
for a qualified candidates to fill the position for :

Senior Mine Engineer Under Ground
( 211 – 107 – 4 )

• Degree from University majoring in Mining or Geology Engineer
• Holding at least 5- 8 years working experience in the same
• Technically and administratively qualified for managing the
operation of Open Pit Mining
• Strong interpersonal skill in a team, self motivated,
independent, familiar with working under pressure environment
• Fluent written and spoken in English
• Willing to be based in Job Site

Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your
comprehensive CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp- and quote
the above listed reference number of position.


MBP Skill Indonesia

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Project Based

e-mail subject quote aja "Oracle Expert Position", sedang dibutuhkan 2 orang untuk posisi ini.

- Possesed an excellent skill of Oracle PL/SQL is a must
- knowledge of Oracle Database Administration and Tuning would be an advantages
- Having an experience of oracle database migration would be an advantage

Job Desc :
- Migrating application structure from oracle 9i to 9i/10g
- you'll be deployed on client site
- Project durations 3-6 months located on jakarta

if u interested pls send ur cv's to :
career@masvent. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgently Required

Choice Management Consultants is looking for the following candidates for its client, a hospitality company client in Jakarta , looking for:


The applicants must possess the following qualifications:
§ Min D3, major in marketing or public relation
§ Fresh graduates are welcome
§ Experience in hospitality company is preferable
§ Strong oral and written communication skills in English & Bahasa Indonesia
§ Proven ability to work effectively in a team-oriented
§ Excellent interpersonal skills
§ Excellent communication and negotiation skills
§ Contract 1 year

For the position above we have attractive remuneration. Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV and references by fax (021) 2511 459 or by email to recruitment@ choice-mc. com, no later than 21 May 2008.

will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@ choice-mc. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :