Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lowongan di Freeport Indonesia

If you cannot read the message below, click here
http://id.jobstreet .com/announcemen t/2008/f/ freeport1mkay. htm
Kesempatan terbuka bagi anda...
Mining Profesional, Electrical, Mechanical, Geologist, IT Profesionals, Human Resource & Administration, Teacher, Procurement & Logistics, Finance and Accounting, Legal and External Affairs, etc.
Kami menanti anda...
HRM Talent-Pool
PT Freeport Indonesia, Human Resource Management
Plaza 89, 7th floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No.6
Jakarta Indonesia
Phone: 62-21 2591818 Fax: 62-21 259 1614

Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :