Thursday, March 27, 2008

Vacancy from Amazon Initiative Consortium

Coordinator for CGIAR's Amazon Initiative Ecoregional Program

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) is one of 15 not-for-profit centers funded mainly by various countries, private foundations, international, and regional organizations that make up the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

CIAT, on behalf of the Amazon Initiative Consortium (AI) for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, is looking for a Coordinator for a Collaborative Research Program in the Amazon.

The AI is committed to the reduction of poverty and social vulnerability, food security, and the sustainability of ecosystems in the region. The thematic and conceptual agenda of the Consortium is focused on sustainable land use systems for the prevention, reduction, and reversal of environmental degradation and livelihood improvement of vulnerable Amazonian populations.

The AI was formally created in 2004. Since then, more than 20 member institutions of the Amazonian countries seek to harmonize the actions carried out by the Consortium under the auspices of the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (OTCA).

The Position
The Coordinator of the Amazon Initiative Ecoregional Program (AI-EP) will be responsible for planning and implementing collaborative research conducted with the participation of member institutions of the Consortium in the four thematic areas: (1) Sustainable smallholder production in deforested and degraded areas; (2) Enhanced benefits from forests for livelihoods and the environment; (3) Mitigation and adaptation to climate change; (4) Market value chain development for Amazon products.

The AI-EP faces the challenge of contributing to research for development within a framework of both short- and long-term environmental conservation goals, and to the provision of global environmental benefits and the welfare of local populations.

The processes that threaten rural livelihoods and natural resources in the Amazon operate in different geographical and political levels, thus the AI-EP will generate public goods in different scales from local to national, regional, and global levels.

The approach of the AI-EP benefits from the collaborative work of an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary team of researchers and practitioners that is already being implemented by the Amazon Initiative Consortium. The program relies not only on the efforts of national and international research institutes (founding institutions of the AI Consortium), but also on the integration of local expertise from universities and local research and development organizations.

The social and human capital that is being built by the coordinated effort of various actors and institutions in the AI process enables a strategy for collaborative research, to be quickly integrated by means of extrapolation and dissemination of innovations to reduce deforestation and environmental degradation.

The candidate will have responsibilities for research planning, building partnerships, project preparation, resource mobilization, implementation, reporting, and supervising activities.

More specifically s/he will be responsible for the following responsibilities:

* Provides scientific leadership for the Consortium in accordance with the priorities identified by the AI Steering Committee.
* Coordinates implementation and integration of collaborative research activities of the Program together with the leaders of the four thematic foci of the AI-EP.
* Develops innovative proposals and relevant projects and leads their collaborative and participatory development to achieve the successful implementation of the scientific agenda of AI.
* Leads the contacts with donors and potential partners to raise funds for scientific activities on behalf of the Consortium.
* Establishes links with technical representatives of the AI to ensure the implementation of programmed activities.
* Takes part of the Coordinating team of the AI along with the General Coordinator and the Coordinator for Communications and Institutional Management.


* Doctoral degree in natural or social sciences.
* At least 10 years of relevant work experience in research and/or development.
* Verifiable experience in project management and proactive fundraising.
* Verifiable ability to work in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams.
* Updated knowledge and practical experience on issues of conservation and development in the Amazon.
* Strong skills in conceptualization, shared leadership, and communication.
* Fluent in English and Spanish, knowledge of Portuguese would be an advantage.
* Availability to travel within countries of the Amazon region.
* Total dedication to the project (100% of her/his time).

Terms of Offer

Based in Belém (Brazil), at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), coordinating institution of the AI Consortium, s/he will be part of an inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary team.

A competitive international salary and benefits package. The contract is for an initial period of 2 years, subject to a 6-month probationary period and annual performance evaluations.

Qualified applicants are invited to send a cover letter, indicating background and experience, and salary expectations, and a short CV, including names, telephone numbers, and e-mails of two professional references, to the e-mail: f.cunha@cgiar. org.

Closing date for applications: 30 April 2008 or until the position is filled.

The Amazon Initiative Consortium and CIAT believe that the diversity of human resources promotes excellence and strongly encourages applications from both women and developing country professionals.

Additional information about the AI Consortium and CIAT can be found at: www.iamazonica. and www.ciat.cgiar. org

Consorcio Iniciativa Amazônica
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental
Travessa Dr. Enéas Pinheiro s/n
66095-100 Belém, Pará, Brasil
Tel.: +55 (91) 32041108; Fax: +55 (91) 40092690

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