Monday, March 31, 2008

Lowongan IT-Sangat Menarik-Symbian Application Developer

Saya kebetulan bekerja di Barablu, perusahaan UK yg bergerak dibidang
development voip software yg diberi nama barablu, aplikasi kita sudah
dapat didownload di www.barablu. com
Kantor kami di Jakarta sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat Symbian
developer dengan spesifikasi seperti berikut:
Symbian Application Developers
a. Description:
i. The candidate will be involve in the implementation of mobile application for
our next generation VoIP products
ii. Implementation is done in C++ code and further hands on optimizations
are required for efficient use of memory and processing power.
iii.The candidate will resolve the issues in real mobile application to
guarantee a successful deployment.

b. Qualification:
i. Experienced in C++ with proven experience in Symbian technologies for
at least 3 years and more.
ii. Good understanding of mobile and wireless applications will be an asset.

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