Thursday, January 31, 2008


Lowongan di PT. BANK MANDIRI


No. IV.JTH/0213/HC/2008 Tanggal 28 Januari 2008

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Wilayah IV Jakarta Thamrin memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat umum untuk dapat mengisi posisi :


Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Pria dan Wanita, usia maksimal 24 tahun.
2. Tinggi Badan (minimal) :
* Pria : 165 cm
* Wanita : 158 cm
3. Mempunyai kepribadian dan penampilan yang menarik.
4. Pendidikan minimal D.III
5. IPK minimal 2,75.
6. Belum menikah.
7. Dapat menggunakan komputer.
8. Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan.

Lamaran lengkap dapat dikirimkan sesuai domisili Pelamar ke alamat-alamat sebagai berikut:

1. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Kebon Sirih
Jl. Tanah Abang Timur No. 1-2, Jakarta Pusat 10110
2. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Thamrin
Gedung Menara BDN, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83, Jakarta Pusat 10340
3. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Imam Bonjol
Plaza Bumi Daya, Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 61, Jakarta Pusat 10310
4. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Cikini
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 56, Jakarta Pusat 10330
5. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Casablanca
Wisma Staco, Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18, Jakarta Selatan 12870
6. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Jatinegara
Jl. Jatinegara Timur No. 58, Jakarta Timur 13310
7. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Jakarta Pulogadung
Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 21, Pulogadung, Jakarta Utara 14250
8. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Bekasi Juanda
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 155, Bekasi 17112

Lamaran paling lambat harus sudah diterima oleh PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. pada tanggal 15 Februari 2008, dan hanya Pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diikutkan dalam proses seleksi.

Jakarta, 28 Januari 2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Untuk Pengisi Suara Drama Radio

Dibutuhkan pengisi suara drama radio dengan kriteria :

1. Dua orang laki-laki usia antara 10-15 tahun
2. Dua orang perempuan, usia antara 16-25 tahun

Bagi yang berminat, silahkan mengirimkan CV ke:

W. Murdiastuti
Produser Hikayat Peut Rakan
Irish Red Cross
International Federation Red Cross
Ajun Jeumpet-Banda Aceh
Mobile Phone : (+62)852-60331347

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan MBR dan FAA

Suatu Group Perusahaan perawatan kulit dari USA mencari tenaga-tenaga professional yang berinisiatif, berpenampilan menarik, suka tantangan, untuk ditempatkan di cabang-cabang kami di seluruh Indonesia Jakarta – Surabaya – Pekanbaru –Makasar – Bali

Marketing / Bussines Representative (MBR)
Min. D3 semua jurusan,
Pria/Wanita, dinamis, komunikatif, ulet,
menguasai Bahasa Inggris Komputer (Microsoft),
Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di Farmasi / Kedokteran / MLM
Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas.

Finance, Accounting Administrasi (FAA)
Min. D3 jurusan Akuntansi, Pria/Wanita max.35 tahun, menguasai Bahasa Inggris Komputer (Microsoft) Doctor (DC) Wanita max.35 tahun, mempunyai SIP, berpengalaman di bidang kecantikan kulit, dan bersedia ditempatkan di Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Makasar.

Lamaran lengkap dan foto dikirimkan ke :

HRD Departement
Jl. Kyai Caringin No.16,
Jakarta Pusat Fax : 021-63863463

Email :

Kandidat diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Training Perusahaan

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgent !!!!!! Lowongan IT

PT. LEADING8 GLOBAL sedang mencari tenaga yg profesional :

Dibutuhkan : Senior Java Programmer (1 Orang) yang Freelance dan Junior Java
Programmer (1 Orang) akan direkrut jika berpotensial.

Dekripsi : untuk projek sound file di C-RBT

Syarat :

1. Pria/Wanita
2. Lokasi : Jakarta
3. Bagi Senior Programmer Java :
3.1 Tugas utama : membuat aplikasi dan develop program dengan memakai
Java based
3.2 Kualifikasi : Menguasai Java, Oracle.
3.2 Pendidikan tidak menjadi prioritas utama, yang menjadi prioritas
utama adalah Java nya jago.

4. Bagi Junior Programmer Java :
3.1 Tugas utama : develop & modifikasi program dengan memakai Java
3.2 Kualifikasi : Menguasai Java, Oracle.

bagi yang berminat silakan kirim lamaran dan CV ke : jimmy@leading8. com dan
cc in ke : joshua@leading8. com

Good Luck guys .....


Jimmy Sinaga

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Reporter Dan Marketing

Kami sebuah media cetak majalah otomotif (Majalah Modif & Majalah Classic Car) yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan:

1. Wartawan Tulis/Reporter
2. Marketing/AE

Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
- Usia maksimum 27 tahun (1 & 2)
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (1 & 2)
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan (1 & 2)
- Bisa diajak kerjasama tim (1 & 2)
- Sanggup memenuhi deadline yang diberikan (1 & 2)
- Supel (1 & 2)
- Memiliki wawasan luas (1 & 2)
- Bisa menulis feature (1)
- Memiliki insting sebagai pencari berita (1)
- Menyenangi dunia otomotif (1 & 2)
- Pengalaman min 3 thn di bidangnya

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap berikut pas photo berukuran 4x6 anda ke:
PT. Bintang Satu Media
Graha Obor 2 unit F305-306
Jl. Bangka Raya No.110
Pela Mampang
Jakarta Selatan 12720
atau kirim CV ke bintangst@yahoo. com
atau bisa juga via japri ke alamat email saya di
lis_mer@yahoo. com

Demikian informasi ini saya berikan. Dan saya ucapkan terimakasih.


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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di ANTV

Kesempatan bergabung menjadi Reporter-Presenter

Stasiun Televisi ANTV, membuka kesempatan untuk menjadi Reporter-Presenter dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Wanita, sarjana S-1
2. Usia maksimal 30 Tahun, kondisi fit dan bernampilan menarik
3. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik
4. Berminat pada isu-isu lingkungan (mempunyai latar belakang aktif di organisasi lingkungan adalah nilai tambah)
5. Berwawasan lingkungan yang baik
6. Bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kota untuk waktu yang lama
7. Berani dan tidak fobia binatang
8. Komunikatif, bertutur secara gamblang dan mudah dicerna

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV peminat ke
1. Email : (
2. Departemen Current Affairs :
Gedung Sentra Mulia lt.19, Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav X-6 No.8 Jakarta 12940
3. Lamaran paling diterima 15 February 2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan AE

Bagi rekan-rekan yg tertarik menjadi AE di bidang media cetak, majalah PRODO sedang membutuhkan Advertising Executive (AE) dengan kualifikasi sbb:

1. Pria/Wanita, umur max. 30 th.
2. Pengalaman di media minimal 1 th.
3. Berpenampilan menarik.
4. Bisa melakukan presentasi dengan baik.
5. Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dgn baik dan Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif.
6. Sehat Jasmani dan rohani

Bila Anda tertarik, silakan kirim Surat Lamaran lengkap dan CV di:
Gd. Prodo
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 99
Jakarta 1276

Atau bisa dikirim ke email : majalahprodo@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan IT di Majalah

MRA Media Group
grup penerbit majalah Cosmopolitan membutuhkan segera:

- Pria/wanita
- Mengerti cara pengoperasian, perencanaan dan pembuatan website
- Mengerti sistem marketing sebuah website
- Menguasai program-program platform pengembangan website
- Berpengalaman dalam perencanaan dan pembuatan website

- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki sense art yang kuat secara konsep dan komersil
- Menguasai program-program platform design seperti indesign, photoshop dan lainnya
- Berpengalaman dalam perencanaan dan pembuatan website

- Pria/wanita
- Mengerti secara penuh cara menjual website
- Berpengalaman dalam perencanaan dan penjualan website

lamaran dikirimkan melalui email ke:
paling lambat 11 Februari 2008

- cukup kirimkan lamaran berupa file .doc berisi pengalaman kerja,
foto terbaru dan data diri
- tidak perlu melampirkan portfolio, contoh kerja baru perlu
dibawa dan diperlihatkan pada saat inteview

- kode yang dilamar (WP, WD, WM) pada subject email

Segera kirimkan lamaran dan bergabung bersama kami.
Andre J.O Sumual
TRAX Magazine
[music & attitude, provocative & stylish]
Wisma Kosgoro lt.6
Jl. MH Thamrin No.53
Jakarta 10350
Phone : (021) 39836061, 39832381-82, ext 157
Fax : (021) 39832494
Mobile : 08161161874
Email :
andre@traxmagz. com,

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgent: Staff Auditor

Perusahaan kami yang bergerak dibidang Export Import Hasil Bumi beralamat di Serpong BSD, sedang membutuhkan seorang kandidat sebagai AUDITOR.
Adapun persyaratannya sbb :
1. Min Lulusan D3.
2. Usia Min 23 th, Single, Pria/Wanita.
3. Diutamakan Pengalaman kerja Min sebagai Accounting.
4. Mahir Komputer (Windows), Program Akuntansi
5. Luwes, Cekatan, terampil.
6. Dapat bekerja sama dalam team.
7. Tidak keberatan apabila ditugaskan ke luar Kota.
8. Pekerja Keras.
9. Bahasa Ingris (Aktif/Pasif) .
Kirimkan CV ke id attn : Mr. Christian Rijadhi.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Job Vacancy For project scheduler & field cost estimator

We are from MBP Skill Indonesia, a leading reputable Human Resources
Consultancy. Our client in Gold Mining Company looks for suitable
candidates to fill the post of:

Project Scheduler (2-211-68)


Male/Female, 30 years old
Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering
Has at least 2nd - 3rd years working experience similar
experienced record in Engineering Project
Familiar with Primavera Enterprise, MS Project, Power point, MS
Word, MS Excel, etc
Technical, detail oriented problem solver
Willing to work and relocate in remote location for long term
Good Command in English
Field Cost Estimator (2-211-50)


Willing to be located and working in jobsite at Tembagapura, Papua.
Contract based for 6 months (contract will be reviewed per 6 months
based on the performance and needs)
Education background is Undergraduate (S1) as a Mechanical Engineer
or Civil Engineer from reputable university.
Have working experience for 2-5 years in estimating project budget
from start until completion of the project (man-hours, material and
Have knowledge and can operate computer software: WinEst (cost
estimate), AutoCAD, Primavera and Ms. Office.

An attractive remuneration package commensurate with experiences and
qualifications will be offered to the right candidate.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only short
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications
with CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp- or PO BOX 4270
JKTM 1400 or visit our web www.mbp-skill. com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgent !!! Butuh Staff Admin

Saya bekerja di lembaga pendidikan asing (branch of London) yang bekerja sama dengan Universitas Paramadina. Saat ini saya sedang mencari staff administrasi pendidikan. Kualifikasinya adalah:
1. Laki2 usia max 24
2. lulusan Diploma
3. Menguasai bahasa inggris
4. Mahir menggunakan aplikasi MS Office
5. Menyukai pekerjaan administratif
6. lebih disukai tinggal di wilayah jakarta selatan
Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat minggu ini. Kirimkan CV via fax.
Contact person:
Erliyani Manik
ICAS Jakarta
Plaza III Pondok Indah Blok F5-6
Jl. TB Simatupang Jakarta Selatan
office: 021 7651534 fax 021 765 1601
Hp: 0818 0664 9190

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Magang Di Jobs DB

Dear friends,

Numpang kasih info sedikit....
Jobs DB membuka kesempatan bagi para lulusan baru yang mau ikutan
program magang di Jobs DB selama 3 bulan.

Syarat-syaratnya :

- Minimum lulusan D3 atau sederajat
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer terutama program-program di bawah
- Familiar dengan media internet
- Bersedia mengikuti program training kepribadian " A TOUCH OF PERSONAL
POWER" bersama Neuro Associative Conditioning System (Wajib)

Untuk info lebih lanjut, pls call Sisca di 021-30071826 atau kirim
email ke Sisca@slipi. id

Thank you all...

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Green Peace

Vacancy Announcement

Position: Media Campaigner
Department : Communications
Location : Jakarta, Indonesia
Responsible to: Communications Manager
Deadline for applications: Feb 29, 2008

Job Description
The Media Campaigner is responsible for ensuring high quality media outreach in
for Greenpeace and, in conjunction with other media campaigners, coordinates
Greenpeace¢s media, public campaign and organizational profiling activities.


1. Develop media/communication s strategy for campaigns.
2. Coordinate media activities including press conferences press releases,
report launches, conferences, direct actions, and reactions to external events;
coordinate lay-out, printing and publication of various campaign materials into
creative products
3. Draft, edit and translate press releases, opinion/editorials, external
campaign materials, reports and other publications.
4. Maintain and develop a database of all visual, print and other
communications materials.
5. Develop and maintain strong relationship with the media via informal
briefings and information provision in order to encourage them to view
Greenpeace as a credible provider of environmental news comment; develop and
maintain a database of print, radio, TV and other media outlets both at the
national and provincial levels
6. Maintain and develop a network of freelance photographers, lay-out artists,
designers, copywriters and writers/editors.
7. Daily monitoring and analysis of news; provide follow up when necessary through
letters to editors, briefings, etc in coordination with campaigners.

- experience in media/communication s work and/or journalism highly desirable
- proficiency in written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia and English
- creative and has an eye for details
- knowledge and background on environmental/ social issues preferred
- mature, hardworking, confident, enthusiastic, proactive and team player
- able to travel around Indonesia and other countries

Send an
application letter in English along with a CV, photo and expected salary to Ms.
Sri Agustiniati, Organizational Support Manager, Greenpeace Southeast Asia,
Jalan Cimandiri 24, Cikini, Jakarta 10330, tel: +62 21 3101873, fax: +62 21
agustini@id. greenpeace. org

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Wahid Institute

Dibutuhkan karyawan untuk lembaga penelitian, kajian dan kampanye Islam & Pluralisme The Wahid Institute

Assistant Representative

Tugas : menjadi asisten Direktur Eksekutif untuk mengorganisir aktivitas lembaga , menyusun proposal dan budgeting, melakukan monitoring, meyusun laporan kegiatan lembaga.

Kualifikasi :
Lulusan S-1
Mahir berbahasa Inggris
Pernah bekerja di lembaga atau organisasi (NGO) sebagai Pelaksana Program (Program Officer) dan sejenis minimal 4 tahun
Mempunyai kemampuan menulis dengan baik
Mempunyai kemampuan managerial
Paham dengan Laporan Keuangan

Dibutuhkan karyawan untuk DPR

Staf Khusus bidang Hukum

Untuk Fraksi di DPR
Melakukan tugas- tugas teknis berkaitan dengan bidang hukum untuk fraksi dan menjadi penghubung informasi antara partai dengan fraksi.

Kualifikasi :
Lulusan S-1 Hukum
Diutamakan belum menikah
Bersedia bekerja overtime, keluar kota
Pengalaman kerja di bidang hukum minimal 3 tahun

Lamaran dikirim ke :
Email : ainun@gusdur. net
Atau, melalui pos :
The Wahid Institute
Jalan Taman Amir Hamzah No. 8 Matraman Jakarta Pusat
Tulis di amplop atau subject email : Assistant Representative / staf khusus
Lamaran paling lambat diterima pada tanggal 8 Februari 2008.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Urgent !!!!! Vacancy at Travel Industri Hurry Up

A fast growing in Travel Industry, we invite motivated and experienced travel professionals to join us as :
1. Having a cheerful personality, Polite and friendly with people
2. Male/Female, maximum 25 years old.
3. Graduated from SMIP, Diploma or Bachelor Degree majoring in Travel & Tourism from reputable academic / university.
4. With minimum 3 years experience in related area, working experience in travel biro would be an advantage.
5. Ability to use Galileo or Abacus reservation system.
6. Excellent in computer skill (MS Windows office application & internet/Email/ YM)
7. Knowledge in Ticketing, Hotel Reservation , and Travel Documents both for local persons & expatriates.
8. Strong negotiation skill, hard working and result oriented cost and target awareness.
9. Self-motivated initiative, flexible, independent but yet a team player.
10. Abilty to communicate effectively, both in oral and written English.
If you are qualified or meet the qualification/ requirements, please submit your application letter with detailed resume, references and recent photograph (3x4 cm); as soon as possible to:
Jl. Cideng Timur NO 11 G
Jakarta Pusat
Ph : 021 - 6301212 (Hunting)
Fax : 021 -6324668
or Email : info@cakrawisata. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Monday, January 28, 2008



RIDMA MEDIA GROUP membutuhkan:

1 orang Disain Grafis (visual) untuk majalah HealthNews
1 orang Sekretaris Redaksi untuk Majalah Ekonomi Bisnis (EKBIS)
1 orang Editor (TV) untuk program acara TV Magazine yang tayang di QTV dan TV Swara

Lamaran Lengkap beserta foto terbaru, gaji yang diminta.
Ditujukan ke HRD RIDMA MEDIA GROUP jl Ampera Raya no 59, Kemang Ampera Jakarta Selatan. Paling Lambat 27 Februari 2008.
Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dihubungi pertelepon untuk kemudian di wawancara.


Manager HRD

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Sekretaris


umur min 21, max 28
D3/S1/S2, yg masih kuliah min semester 4
english/mandarin pasif/aktif
penampilan ekslusif [menarik] diutamakan, boleh berjilbab
kepribadian menarik
dapat berkomunikasi dengan lancar
memiliki mobil sendiri + sim

Lamaran Lengkap beserta foto terbaru.
Ditujukan ke hrd_maxif@yahoo. com. Lamaran dibuka mulai 25 Januari - 25 Februari 2008, dan tidak berlaku lagi apabila sudah ada yang menempati.
Pelamar yang pertama melamar, memenuhi syarat akan langsung dihubungi pertelepon untuk kemudian di wawancara, mengikuti tes dan training selama 1-2 hari.


Arief Asani
Manager HRD

Mobile 0817-000-1578 / 9151-7411

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di PT Suara Publisindo


Temporary Music Publishing Assistant / Administrator
Reporting to Music Publishing Manager

Note: This position is to fulfil vacant position due to maternity leave (approx 3 months)

- Male / Female
- Have passion and knowledge in music
- D3 or S1 graduate from a reputable university in any major with minimum GPA 2,75 in scale 4.00
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Having analytical skills and computer literate is a must
- Good interpersonal skills and good command of English verbally and written.
- Proactive with own initiative and professional
- Age maximum 25 years old

Job description:
- Assist in administering agreement with local songwriters
- Song identification of records company¢s releases and RBT throughout Indonesia
- Song identification of sales report submitted by content providers companies throughout Indonesia
- Issue invoice and collect royalties for both local and international works of song usage
- Assist in correspondence and all administrative works
- Assist in dealing with local collection societies (registration, amendment, etc)
- Assist in monitoring any song usage in any media
- Assist in song exploitations in TV/Radio commercial & films
- Assist in checking royalties calculation resulted by system report to the supporting documents
- Assist in distributing royalties to local songwriters

Send your application along with your CV at the latest by February 3, 2008 to:

PT Suara Publisindo
Universal Music Publishing Group
Mid Plaza 2, 19th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 10-11
Jakarta 10220

Or e-mail to: com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Marketing di PT Dewa Daru Aditech Prima

PT.Dewa Daru Aditech Prima Merupakan Perusahaan pengadaan Barang dan Jasa dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional Muda Energik dan mau bekerja keras dalam posisi :

.Min D3,umur maks 30 tahun
.Berpengalaman di bidang Sale-Marketing
.Mampu mengembangkan system Marketing
.Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi
.Mimiliki kemampuan memimpin
.Memiliki kendaraan bermotor pribadi
.Menguasai Windows Office
.Mempunyai pengetahuan dasar komputer
.Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif & dinamis

Kirimkan lamaran CV & Foto ke :
email: dewadaru@cbn.
PT. Dewa Daru Aditech Prima
Jl. Galur Sari Timur Raya No.02
Jakarta Timur, 13120

Telp: 021 8507865 FAX: 021 8569907

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Korea National Oil Corporation


Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), a Korean State-Owned Oil Company, which operating 3 (three) blocks in Indonesia , is seeking qualified employee for the below position:


Ø Female
Ø Age 20-28 years old
Ø 2-5 years experience in administration duties, experience in oil industry is preferable
Ø Minimum of D3 in any related fields
Ø Possessing high level of interpersonal and communication skill
Ø Proficient in English communication both English and written
Ø Self discipline, physically fit with good medical record
Ø Willing to work under pressure in various remote areas in Indonesia
Ø Should be capable to use MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)

Please send your CV in English with a recent photograph
no later than 1 (one) week after this advertisement to: id

Only applicants who meet above requirements will be considered
for further process of interview

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di CPMO

Central Project Management Office (CPMO) is a main office for
Sustainable Capacity Building for Decentralization Project (SCB-DP) in
Jakarta, Indonesia. The project executed by Ministry of Home Affairs
(ADB LOAN 1964-INO), presently is looking for candidates to fill up
positions as:

1. Bilingual Secretary

a. Female, max 30 years old;
b. Single;
c. Min. Diploma Degree, Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
d. English and Computer literate (Windows XP or VISTA, Ms-Word, Excell
& Power Point) is a must;
e. Self motivated and well-organized;
f. Willing to work in irregular working-hours;
g. Hard worker, able to work under pressure and handle multi task,
eager to learn and adaptable;
h. Able to show good performance in team work as well as individually;
i. Live in Jakarta.

2. Financial Administration Officer

a. Male/Female, max 30 years old;
b. Single;
c. Min. Diploma Degree in Accounting;
d. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
e. Experience min. 1 year in the same field, preferable from the
institution related to the government project;
f. English and Computer literate (Windows XP or VISTA, Ms-Word, Excell
& Power Point) is a must;
g. Self motivated and well-organized;
h. Hard worker, able to work under pressure and handle multi task,
eager to learn and adaptable;
i. Willing to work in irregular working-hours;
j. Able to show good performance in team work as well as individually;
k. Live in Jakarta.

3. ICT Management Officer

a. Male, max 30 years old;
b. Single;
c. Bachelor or Diploma from Computer Science, Information Technology,
Information Management with GPA minimum 3.00;
d. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
e. Good knowledge and skill in Linux server environment
f. Strong skill in computer security, network, software and hardware;
g. Good knowledge in IP technology such as QoS, Routing Protocols,
VoIP, and other;
h. Having experience on complex network infrastructure projects which
involved on various technologies and brand: LAN, WAN, WIFI, Internet;
i. English literate;
j. Willing to work in irregular working-hours;
k. Hard worker, able to work under pressure, eager to learn and adaptable;
l. Able to show good performance in team work as well as individually;
m. Live in Jakarta

4. IT Technical Support

a. Male, max 30 years old;
b. Single;
c. Bachelor or Diploma from Computer Science, Information Technology,
Information Management with GPA minimum 3.00;
d. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
e. good knowledge and skill in Linux server environment
f. Strong skill in computer network, software and hardware;
g. Good knowledge in IP technology such as QoS, Routing Protocols,
VoIP, and other;
h. Good knowledge and skill in network infrastructure
i. English literate;
j. Willing to work in irregular working-hours;
k. Hard worker, able to work under pressure, eager to learn and adaptable;
l. Able to show good performance in team work as well as individually
m. Live in Jakarta

Please send your application, complete CV, recent photograph (must be
include) and supporting documents immediately to: cpmo_scbdp@yahoo. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Graphic Designer

Dibutuhkan Graphic Designer

Untuk sebuah perusahaan majalah tentang parenting,
anak, dan kesehatan

Male/Female (yang penting mau di under pressure)
Max. 33 thn
Pengalaman Min 2 Thn di bidang yg sama
Tahu menahu soal pre-press
skillfull Color Separation
Skillfull Lay Out Software (Indesign, Quark,
Photoshop udah pasti lah yaa...
software lainnya point plus
bersedia deadline yang pastinya
mengerti tentang Event jg (krn sering jg buat Event)

kalo semua kriteria dah terpnuhi silahken kirim CV dan Porto ke:
achmad_ros@yahoo. com,
ataw coba telp/Fax ke
dengan Bapak Prof. Dr. A. Rosidi

Vacancy ini Valid selama 2 Minggu smp closing date tgl 6 Febuary 2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di RCTI

Dicari Marketing Communications Representative RCTI daerah Surabaya,
Bandung, Palembang, Makasar. Please send CV to : theresia.subianto@


0856 993 92 92

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Restaurant & Bar


An extremely Upscale Restaurant & Bar will open in Casablanca-Satrio Area and is actively recruiting for the following positions:

* General Manager,
* Restaurant Supervisor,
* Waiter, Waitress,
* Bar Captain,
* Bartenders,
* Hostess / guest relation officer,
* Public relation officer,
* Sous-Chef,
* Chef de Parties,
* Cook
* Cleaning service supervisor,
* Cleaning Service Staff,


* Min D3 majoring in Hotel, Tourism…
* Min 2 years exp at the same field
* Pleasant personality and well-goomed
* Hard worker, proactive and flexible

Please send your application with a recent picture at:

PO BOX 4931 KTM 12700

Or email to hrd.kali@gmail. com

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Editor Dan Setter Mendesak

Dibutuhkan Editor (Mendesak) untuk buku-buku pelajaran (SD-SMP-SMA)
- IPS (Geografi-Sejarah- Ekonomi)
- Matematika
- Bahasa Inggris

Syarat :
- S1 Universitas Negeri/Kependidikan
- Usia max 25
- Fresh graduate
- IPK minimal 3,0
- Belum menikah
- Pria/Wanita
- Sanggup bekerja dengan deadline

Kirim lamaran lengkap Via POS ke :
PT. INTERMITRA Pustaka Utama Group
Jl. Pinang Raya No. 15, Rawamangun
Jakarta 13220
Telp. (021) 47882134 / 47882162

Dibutuhkan Layoutter/Setter (Mendesak)
untuk buku-buku pelajaran (SD-SMP-SMA)

Syarat :
- Menguasai Software Design
- (Adobe Photoshop)
- (Adobe Page Maker)
- (Adobe Indesign)
- (Adobe Illustrator)
- (Corel Draw)
- Dapat mengetik cepat
- Belum menikah /maks 27
- Pengalaman min-1 th.
- Pria/Wanita
- Sanggup bekerja dengan deadline

Kirim lamaran lengkap Via POS ke :
PT. INTERMITRA Pustaka Utama Group
Jl. Pinang Raya No. 15, Rawamangun
Jakarta 13220
Telp. (021) 47882134 / 47882162

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Travel

Bulanmadu Romantic Travel Sevices

That has servicing of thousand couple of honeymooners and romantic traveler to many destination Domestic also outbound Looking for JUNIOR TRAVEL CONSULTANT.

With qualification :
1. Graduated from reputable tourism high
school / Tourisam Academy / Secretary
2. Good interpersonal skill
3. Able to speak & written in English
4. Familiar with Internet and Online
computerized reservation
5. Live around Jakarta Timur
6. Age Max : 25 years.
7. Prefer women

If you have qualified the detail
mention, please to sent CV and recent
photograph to coo@bulanmadu. com before
31 January 2008. only choosen candidates
that will be call for interview.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan ASAP

telah dibuka lowongan khusus utk AE (Account Executive) dan Media Planner dng kriteria sbg berikut :

- experience in the field min. 3 yrs (in advertising agency)
- male/female
- cooperative & innovative
- energic
- ready to work over time
- friendly & good looking
- dominian at Jakarta Barat

Dibutuhkan ASAP!

Walk-in interview mulai besok tgl. 29 Jan, setiap hari Senin-Jumat, jam 09.00am - 12.00pm
(langsung membawa CV lengkap).

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi Sandra (08121001091) atau 021-5822138.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di PT Muscle Indonesia

PT Muscle Indonesia , perusahaan penerbit majalah fitness lifestyle, MUSCLE Indonesia , majalah lokal dengan penyajian internasional yang memberikan informasi penuh berdasarkan enam (6) tema besar yaitu: Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Supplement, Fat loss dan Sex.

Kami membuka lowongan untuk Account Executive,dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
· Pria / Wanita usia minimal 23 tahun
· Pendidikan minimal S1
· Memiliki pengalaman di bidang media dan marketing min. 1 tahun
· Memiliki networking yang luas dan berpenampilan menarik.
· Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, luwes dan teliti
· Menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
· Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline

Kirimkan CV, Foto terbaru dan Biodata lengkap anda paling lambat 10 Februari 2008:
PT Muscle Indonesia
Jln Daan Mogot no.6
Gedung IKM Lt.3
Jakarta Barat 11460
T : 569 44 111 / 569 66221
atau email ke

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan AE di ICE

ICE, a leading interactive and digital advertising agency looking for candidates for AE (Account executive)

- Male/Female
- S1 degree in any major, preferably majoring in marketing, communication or advertising
- Experience in the field min. 3 yrs (advertising agency)
- Attractive personalities
- Creative and innovative
- Good active verbal & written communication skills in English
- High level integrity and support

Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your
application, detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:

attn: Ms. Priscillia Priska
Address: One Wolter Place lt. 5b
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi no. 63b
Jakarta 12180
Or E-mail :

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Lowongan di Bintang Indonesia

Bintang Indonesia
membutuhkan reporter

Bila Anda tergila-gila pada film Indonesia, menyukai tantangan, energik, suka menulis, memahami bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris dengan baik, berusia maksimal 27 tahun, mungkin Anda yang kami cari.

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, dan resensi film Indonesia (yang mana saja) karya orisinal Anda ke alamat di bawah ini. Bisa melalui pos atau diantar langsung.

Cantumkan kode Reporter Film di sudut kiri amplop.
Redaksi BINTANG Indonesia
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta 12940
atau kirim e-mail ke alamat:

redaksi@bintang- indonesia. com
tabloidbintangindon esia@gmail. com

Lamaran diterima paling lambat 8 Februari 2008.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Lowongan di Papua

International Gold Mining Company, operating in
Papua, is urgently seeking for energetic and motivated Indonesian
National for the following position:

1. Electrical (2-21191)


• S1 or D3 majoring in Electrical Engineering
• Experience in commissioning of Medium Voltage Switch Gear, 5
KV, 13 KV, 20KV
• Experience in commissioning Relay protection
• Energize Medium Voltage Transformer
• Measuring resistance of cable insulation-Busbar (Megger &
• Able write and speak good English

2. Mechanical (2-21193)


• S1 or D3 degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering
• Having the experience of Maintenance and repair Rotary
Equipment such as Crushing Machine, Pumps and Conveyor
• Having Experience in MILLWRIGHT : pulley alignment, gear
box, motors
• Able to speak and write good English

3. Instrument Engineer (2-21164)

Qualifications desired:
• S1 or D3 Degree in Electrical/ Instrument Engineer
• 2-5 years working experience in the field of Instrument
engineer and electrical power design
• Proven knowledge of electrical instrumentation equipment
• Proven ability to communicate with design team
• Proven ability to adapt designs to clients scope change
• Target Oriented
• Ability to communicate in English

An attractive remuneration will be offered to the qualified
candidate. If you are interested and qualified for these positions,
please e-mail your resume/CV on MS World File, your resent
photograph, and current job description to resumes@mbp- or
PO BOX. 4270 JKTM 1400 or Visit our web: www.mbp-skill. com

Do not forget to mention the position number on your
application letter.

All application will be treated in the highest confidentiality and
only short listed candidates will be notified.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Staf Pra-Cetak/Lay-outer/Setter

Dibutuhkan Staf Pra-Cetak/Lay- outer/Setter

- Pria
- Pendidikan minimum D1
- Usia : 23 - 30
- Pengalaman di bidang terkait min. 1 tahun
- Menguasai program-program seting dan desain (pagemaker, photoshop, corel draw dan atau sejenisnya)
- Kreatif, berdisiplin, dan jujur

Surat lamaran, CV, dan contoh karya ditujukan ke :

Jl. Warga 23 A
Pejaten Barat 12510 Pasar Minggu
Phone. 62-21-7976587
Fax. 62-21-79190995

Atau email ke : ufukreatifhouse@

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Yayasan Utan Kayu

Dari Utan Kayu ke Salihara: Merawat seni dan pemikiran
Bergabunglah bersama kami:
Sebuah pusat kesenian dimana kegiatan kesenian & pemikiran saling mendukung, mencari tenaga potensial untuk bergabung:
1. Manajer Program
2. Manajer Produksi
3. Asisten Manajer bidang Sastra & Teater, Tari & Musik, Senirupa
4. Asisten Manajer Pertunjukan
5. Manajer Pemasaran
6. Manajer Keuangan & Personalia
7. Manajer Sarana & Prasarana
8. Operator Tata Cahaya, Operator Tata Suara
9. Staf hubungan Luar & Komunikasi
10.Staf Penjualan
11.Staf Promosi & Publikasi
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun untuk Manajer, maksimal 30 tahun untuk Asisten Manajer/Staf, 25 tahun untuk operator.
- Pendidikan minimal S1, kecuali Operator D-3
- Pengalaman kerja di bidangnya minimal 5 tahun untuk Manajer, minimal 3 tahun untuk jabatan lainnya.
- Penguasaan bahasa Inggris aktif
Kirimkan surat lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup, fotocopy ijazah terakhir, 2 pasfoto (4x6) ke:
Bagian Rekrutmen Yayasan Utan Kayu,
Jl. Utan Kayu No. 68-H, Jaktim.
Cantumkan nama jabatan di sudut kiri amplop, selambat-lambatnya 2 minggu setelah pengumuman ini (cap pos). Hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Biru Magazine - Urgent !!!! -

Sebuah Media cetak (majalah) berskala nasional dan bergerak di bidang bisnis, pariwisata, dan ekosistem bahari membutuhkan seorang Jurnalis / Reporter / Writer dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

1. Pria / Wanita, usia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun
2. Berwawasan luas, kreatif, friendly, dan tidak sombong (diwajibkan punya high sense of humor :) )
3. Mampu membuat tulisan secara profesional, baik berupa reportase maupun ala feature
4. Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dan perseorangan
5. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang media majalah, tulis menulis atau jurnalisme lainnya minimal 1 tahun
6. Mau belajar dan berkomunikasi secara baik
7. Menyukai / mencintai dunia kelautan dengan segala relasinya
8. Bersedia dikirim ke daerah-daerah di seluruh Indonesia untuk melakukan reportase sektor pariwisata maupun untuk mengejar para koruptor (...becanda ^^)
9. Bersedia dan mampu menyelesaikan tulisan menurut deadline yang telah ditentukan
10. Mempunyai keahlian di bidang memotret, melukis, memasak, atau memijat merupakan suatu nilai tambah
11. Tidak sedang terjerat hutang atau sedang dalam proses hukum yang berwajib.

Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirimkan CV+portofolio tulisan melalui email ke :
recruitment@ Birumagazine. com

atau via pos ke :

PT. Marine Multi Media
Ruko Inkopal Blok A No. 48
Jalan Boulevard Barat Raya
Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14240

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan The HR Consulting Indonesia

We are from MBP Skill Indonesia, a leading reputable Human Resources
Consultancy. Our client in Gold Mining Company looks for suitable
candidates to fill the post of:

Project Scheduler (2-211-68)

• Male/Female, 30 years old
• Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering
• Has at least 2nd - 3rd years working experience similar
experienced record in Engineering Project
• Familiar with Primavera Enterprise, MS Project, Power point,
MS Word, MS Excel, etc
• Technical, detail oriented problem solver
• Willing to work and relocate in remote location for long
• Good Command in English
An attractive remuneration package commensurate with experiences and
qualifications will be offered to the right candidate.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only short
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications
with CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp- or PO BOX 4270
JKTM 1400 or visit our web www.mbp-skill. com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Lowongan AE

Creative Media Maker (CMM), a growing Creative Agency looking for candidates for Account Executive position

- Male/Female
- S1 degree in any major, preferably majoring in marketing

Or advertising (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply)

- max 30 years of age
- Strong analytical and conceptual thinking
- Attractive personalities
- Creative and innovative
- Good active verbal & written communication skills in English
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively both independently and

within a team structure
- A high level of integrity and trust

Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your
application (with Code AE), detailed CV with a recent photograph and
other relevant information to:


attn: Ms. Nofa Erawati
Tambak No.27 Jakarta Pusat 10320

Or E-mail : creativemediamaker@

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan IT

Address: Wisma 76 18th fl Jl.S.Parman Kav 76 Slipi Jakarta, 11410, Indonesia
Contact Person: WIDIA PARAMITA
Company Description: Sejak 04 Juni 2004,Mitra Kerja telah berkiprah sebagai Outsourcing Services Provider terkemuka yang berlokasi di kawasan bisnis strategis di Jakarta Barat.Berawal dari kepuasan klien terhadap Bisnis Supporting yang diberikan,kini Mitra Kerja Utama telah bekerjasama dengan klien-klien yang berasal dari berbagai Industri. Mitra Kerja Utama telah banyak menghasilkan Output SDM yang memiliki kualitas Prima.Dengan komitmen untuk memberikan Career Support bagi tenaga kerja,berbagai posisi telah dipermanenkan untuk berkarir lebih lanjut di perusahaan klien kami.Sebagai Career Support kami berkomitmen untuk TIDAK menarik FEE / PEMUNGUTAN BIAYA apapun dari kandidat kami.


Sistem seleksi : Secara Objektif dan menggunakan metode Psikotest

Dalam rangka perkembangan bisnis dan memenuhi kebutuhan klien,kami membutuhkan kandidat potensial & energik sbb:

IT Developer (IT-Dev)

Industri : Oil and Gas Services

Kualifikasi :
- Pria max. 30 thn
- Exp 1 tahun dalam C #, ASP,, HTML, AJAX, Javascript, MS Net Tech

Linux Administrator (L-Adm)

Industri : Retail Stationery di Indonesia

Kualifikasi :
- Pria max 30 thn
- Exp2 thn dalam Linux, Redhat, LAN, WAN

Network Executive (Net-Ex)

Industri : Retail Stationery di Indonesia

Kualifikasi :
- Pria
- Exp 2 thn dalam LAN, WAN
CV lengkap dan dokumen pelengkap dapat dikirimkan ke atau : PT. MITRA KERJA UTAMA Wisma 76 lt 18 Jl. S. Parman kav.76 Slipi Jakarta Barat

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 11/02/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Monday, January 21, 2008


Lowongan Kerja di Banten
Perum. Palem Semi, Jl .Palem Sawit 106 karawaci, Tangerang, , Indonesia

Company Description: English course for children age 4-adult (professional)

Job Title: Guru Bahasa Inggris
Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Palem Semi Karawaci membtuhkan guru bahsa inggris dengan syarat :
-Wanita / Pria min 20 th max 25 th
-Min. D3 atau masih kuliah
-Menguasai inggris dengan aktif
-menyukai anak-anak, humoris
-berpengalaman di bidang mengajar anak-anak lebih disukai
-bertempat tinggal di sekitar karawaci atau tangerang

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Banten / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 02/28/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan IT : OWB (Oracle Ware House Builder) Consultant

Emerio Corporation is a leading IT Consulting and Services Company
(www.emeriocorp. com <http://www.emerioco> ). We are a
consolidation of the group companies GlobeSoft and R & D Team Works.
Incorporated in 1997, headquartered in Singapore, we employ over 1000
dedicated and highly skilled professionals across offices in Singapore,
India, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Indonesia and UK. Our business is
structured around six service offerings, which are Managed Services,
Consulting Services, Software Services, Professional Services, Network
Services and BPO Services.

In support of our operation in Indonesia as part of Emerio's strategy to
strengthen its presence in Asia, we are looking for young and
experienced Professional to fulfill following position:

Oracle Ware House Builder (OWB) Consultant


* Bachelor degree in Information Technology (or technical science)
from a reputable university
* Has Oracle Professional Certification would be a strong benefit
* Minimum 4 years of hands on experience in Oracle Products Core
* Strong knowledge and experience in Oracle Warehouse Builder
(OWB), PL/SQL programming, Developer Suite 10g, Oracle Forms & Reports,
and Oracle Discoverer
* Have strong Knowledge on Online Analytical Process (OLAP) and
Data warehouse/Dimension al modeling concept
* Have RDBMS knowledge and skill.
* Analytical problem-solving and root cause analysis skills
* Strong communication skills, good team player, good personality
and attitude
* English proficiency is a must, both is oral and written

If you are interested to join as part of Emerio family, please kindly
send your comprehensive resume to :

careers.jkt@ emeriocorp. com

Please put the position code on your email subject.

We are sorry that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Hotel Sheraton

Employer: Hotel Sheraton Lampung
Address: Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 175, Bandar Lampung, 35401, Indonesia
Contact Person: Latifah Hanum Siregar
Company Description: Hotel Sheraton Lampung berdiri sejak tahun 1990 dengan kapasitas 110 kamar dengan 6 outlets F&B.

Job Title: F & B Manager

Minimum 2 years experience in any Senior F&B position in any International Hotel or restaurant.
Maximum age is 40 years old
Good command of English, oral and writing
Excellent trainer and motivator
Outgoing personality, analytical, and innovative

Hours: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Lampung / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 02/04/20008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Bank Mega

PT Bank Mega, Tbk
Menara Bank Mega Lt.5 Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav.12-14A Jakarta Selatan, 12790, Indonesia

Company Description: Perbankan Swasta Nasional

Job Title: Front Liners (CS/Teller) & Funding Officer

Front Liners (CS/Teller)
Ramah,berpenampilan menarik & memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Pengalaman sebagai CS/Teller lebih disukai
Khusus untuk Teller ; memiliki ketelitian kerja & orientasi yang baik terhadap detail

Funding Officer (FO)
Memiliki wawasan bisnis yang luas & mampu bekerja dengan sistem target

Pendidikan min. D3
Lebih disukai pengalaman dibidangnya
Bersedia ditempatkan di JABODETABEK

Surat Lamaran, CV, Foto Ukuran 4x6
Fotocopy Ijasah terakhir, Transkrip nilai
Cantumkan kode posisi pada sudut kiri atas amplop ke:

Jl. Kapten Tendean 12 – 14 A – Jakarta 12790

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 03/31/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Bank Mega

PT Bank Mega, Tbk
Menara Bank Mega Lt.5 Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav.12-14A Jakarta Selatan, 12790, Indonesia
Perbankan Swasta Nasional

Job Title: Credit Officer & Credit Card Officer


Credit Officer (CO)
Pengalaman dalam menangani dan menjual produk kredit Consumer & Comercial

Credit Card Officer (CCO)
Pengalaman dalam memasarkan kartu kredit

Training, Gaji pokok & Insentif yg sangat menarik bagi mereka yg berprestasi dalam pencapaian target

Pendidikan min. D3
Lebih disukai pengalaman dibidangnya
Bersedia ditempatkan di JABODETABEK

Surat Lamaran, CV, Foto Ukuran 4x6
Fotocopy Ijasah terakhir, Transkrip nilai
Cantumkan kode posisi pada sudut kiri atas amplop ke :
Jl. Kapten Tendean 12–14 A
Jakarta 12790

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 03/31/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di PT. Bank MEGA

PT Bank Mega, Tbk
Menara Bank Mega Lt.5 Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav.12-14A Jakarta Selatan, 12790, Indonesia
Website :
Contact Person : HR
Company Description: Perbankan Swasta Nasional

Job Title: Back Office & Credit Analyst

Back Office (BO)
S1 Akuntansi lebih disukai, memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi

Credit Analyst (CA)
Memiliki analisa keuangan,industri & bisnis yang kuat

Training, Gaji pokok & Insentif yg sangat menarik bagi mereka yg berprestasi dalam pencapaian target

Pendidikan min. D3
Lebih disukai pengalaman dibidangnya
Bersedia ditempatkan di JABODETABEK

Surat Lamaran, CV, Foto Ukuran 4x6
Fotocopy Ijasah terakhir, Transkrip nilai
Cantumkan kode posisi pada sudut kiri atas amplop ke :
Jl. Kapten Tendean 12–14 A
Jakarta 12790

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 03/31/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Dicari Programmer Oracle Developer, Segera !!!!!!

PT. Infotech Solutions, http://www.infotech is a growing IT Company in Indonesia, seeking qualified programmer for position:


General qualifications:

- Min D III IT major

- Min 2 years experience in IT

- Good english communication skills
( minimal pasif )
- Have a highly motivated and team oriented

For qualified candidates, please send your updated resume to hr@infotech. - hr et infotech dot co dot id. Please put the code: Oracle Programmer in your email subject.
Only shortlisted candidate who meet the qualifications will be notified.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Jawa Tengah

Employer: Citra Indonesia
Address: Jl. Yosudarso 399, , Indonesia
Contact Person: zeni
Company Description: Lembaga Psikologi Terapan Citra Indonesia

Job Title: Fsikolog
Dicari Psikolog berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun

Hours: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jawa Tengah / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 31/02/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Bandung

RINOTO Tradicon Utama
Jl. Batik Agung No. 15 Sukaluyu Bandung, 40123, Indonesia
RINOTO Tradicon Utama is a general contracting and trading company which is founded in Bandung, West Java - Indonesia. Established based on many years of experiences of its founders, RINOTO is always focusing to the needs of customers. The main driver for establising this company is to actively involve in contributing and developing the infrastructures in Indonesia. General contracting division is focusing on mechanical / electrical contracting, building, civil infrastructure, and industrial maintenance.
Job Title: Electrical Engineer
o Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from reputable Universities
o majoring in Electrical Power or in Control and Instrumentation
o Male/Female, max age 30 years old
o Fresh graduate or 1 – 2 years experience in similar positions
o Computer literate (Preferably familiar with Autocad)
If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please send your application by mail or email not later than 2 weeks after this ads with complete resume, photograph, current & expected salary, indicating the job position, to:
Human Resources Dept - RINOTO Tradicon Utama
Jl. Batik Agung 15 Sukaluyu Bandung-40123

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jawa Barat / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 02/04/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Banten

Employer : PT Multibox Indah
Address : Jl. Raya Cikande Rangkas Bitung Km. 6 Serang Banten, 42180, Indonesia
Contact Person : Bunawan Budiman
Company Description : Perusahaan kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri kemasan dari karton gelombang yang berada didaerah Cikande Rangkas Bitung Serang Banten

Job Title: HRD & Kepersonaliaan
Menguasai bidang HRD dan kepersonaliaan. Memiliki relasi yang cukup baik dengan Departemen terkait.

Hours: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Banten / Indonesia
Working Term: Contract Position
Application Deadline: 03/01/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan IT di Jawa Barat

Employer : Flash Software
Address : Kembar Timur 3/26, , Indonesia
Contact Person : Indy Taruna
Company Description : Software House

Job Title: Programmer VB, Java
Programmer VB, Java, MySQL, MSSQL. Wanita.

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jawa Barat / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Application Deadline: 02/28/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Lowongan IT

Dibutuhkan Oracle DBA sebanyak 2 - 3 orang, dengan
spek sbb:

- Maksimum pengalaman 2 tahun sebagai Oracle DBA
- Terbiasa dengan pekerjaan Orace DBA
* Instalasi
* Patching
* Konfigurasi
* Backup & recovery
* Upgrading
* Monitoring
* Pengetahuan mengenai Tuning

Nilai tambah (tidak wajib harus berpengalaman/ bisa):
- Oracle RAC
- Data Guard
- Java programming
- Application server
- Mempunyai sertifikat OCA/OCP
- terbiasa dengan UNIX/Linux environment
- Punya daya analisis yg kuat dan problem solving
- Berorientasi memberikan service terbaik kepada


*** terbuka kesempatan untuk belajar dan menambah pengetahuan

Kirim lamaran anda ke Mail ini:
Frans.Mazhar@ metrodata.

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Kerja Di Malaysia

PT. Balanta Budi Prima
Jln. Utan Kayu Raya, No.102 Jakarta Timur, 13120, Indonesia
Contact Person: Suwandi
Company Description: We are from PT.BALANTA BUDI PRIMA, one of Indonesians leading Government recognized Manpower supplier and duly registered by Indonesian Ministry of Labor. The Indonesian Government has registered the PT. BALANTA BUDI PRIMA, in the Indonesian Manpower Department with License: No.033/MEI/LN/2006. We have been supplying Indonesians workers overseas for different field of works, non-formal or formal, with various qualifications, semi-skilled, skilled, highly skilled and professional workers in field: 1. Hotel and Restaurant Workers 2. Cruiser Personnel 2. Health Professionals 4. Oil and Gas Miners 5. Welding Operators 6. Construction Worker 7. House Maids 8. Plantation Workers 9. Seamen 10. Certified Nursing Home Care Taker 11. And others professional workers To help the Indonesian government program in order to reduce the unemployment in our country. We were ready to help you to receive the work that in accordance with the expertise and your wish.

Job Title: Production Operator
Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerakdi bidang Elektronik mencari banyak wanita untuk Production Operator :
1. Wanita
2. Usia 18 – 30 Tahun
3. Pendidikan Minimal SMP/Sederajat
4. Membawa Surat Ijin Orang Tua / Suami
5. Foto Copy Ijazah yang di legalisir
6. Foto Copy KTP, KK dan Akte Kelahiran (di legalisir)
7. Pas photo Post Card = 1 lembar, 4x6 = 6 lembar, 3x4 = 6 lembar
8. Foto copy paspor (bila ada)

Interview langsung secara bersamaan pada tanggal 17 Januari 2008 di Gedung Balanta Budi Prima
Jln. Utan Kayu Raya, No.102
Jakarta Timur

Hours: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Malaysia
Application Deadline: 01/17/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Di Bali

Grand Istana Rama Hotel
Jl. Pantai Kuta Kuta, Bali, , Indonesia
Contact Person: rachmadi
Company Description: Four Star rated Hotel,beach front located in Kuta Beach, Bali. With 146 Rooms with total of 1.7 Hectares. Walking Distance to famous Kuta / Legian Shopping area. 15 Minutes drive to Ngurah Rai International Airport of Bali.

Job Title: Front Office Manager
1.Male, max 40 years old management hotel graduated
2.Minimum 5 years experience in similar position in 4 / 5 hotel
3.Strong leadership skill, hard worker HRD Manager
5.Familiar with Hotel Standard Operation Procedure and Indonesian Labour Law
6.Able to conduct a qualified training in human resources
7.Possess strong managerial and leadership skill, assertive and having good interpersonal skill
8.Fluent in English and computer literate
Qualified applicant should send their resume, latest photograph, previous working reference letter, transcript and diploma to our email address :

Hours: Diploma - Advanced Career (10+ years)
Location: Bali / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Application Deadline: 31/01/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Editor Di JawaTimur

Jl. ngagel madya 17-21 - surabaya, 60284, Indonesia
Contact Person: Lili
Company Description: Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang: Pengembngan SDM, Sekuritas, Publishing dan property.

Job Title: Editor/ Penulis
Editing buku, majalah, artikel, kaset.
Menulis artikel.
Mampu mengoperasikan Ms. Office dan Berbahasa Inggris Aktif/Pasif.
Bersedia tugas keluar kota.

Hours: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jawa Timur / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Application Deadline: 02/15/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Di Jawa Tengah -- Permanen --

PT. Aorta
Jl. Raya Semarang Demak 156 Semarang, 50118, Indonesia
Contact Person: Erwin Setiawan
Company Description: FMCG Beverages Industry

Job Title: Marketing Secretary

Hours: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jawa Tengah / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Application Deadline: 02/28/08

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Di Jawa Timur

ROCK Production Wedding PLanner & Event Management & HARVEST Decoration
Address: Kupang Indah X / 29, DArmo Satelite Town, Surabaya Atau PO BOX. 1386, 60225, Indonesia
Contact Person: Abigail
Company Description: We are in the entertainment industry, have been around since 2002 and major in wedding planning, event management and organizer in Surabaya. We also do Corporate events, grand openning dll. We are involved in the planning and production from the beginnig to the end. We also have a decoration division for wedding dll. Our work needs dedicated people as we work within datelines and flexibility in working time and high stamina and energy is needed to maintain high quality service. Creativity, Capability, responsibility and perfectionist people and creative individuals are highly rewarded in this line. We appreciate hard work and those who loves the challenge to succeed. WE WELCOME TALENTED PEOPLE BOTH FOR OFFICE WORK AND ALSO FOR CREATIVE DEPARTMENT.wE ARE EXPANDING AND IN NEED OF PEOPLE IN THE DESIGN GRAPHIC, ACCOUNTING, SECRETARIAL, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING, MARKETING AND SALES, CREATIVE DEPARTMENT,DANCE INSTRUCTOR, CHOREOGRAPHER, MUSIC DIRECTOR ETC.

Job Title: Accounting/ Finance
Membuat pembukuan yang rapi untuk setiap partner2x dan suppliers, semua detail expenses, budgeting, data gathering of price lists partners, colleting debts, shcheduling payments dll. Hal2x administrasi dari awal sampai planning dll harus dikerjakan ontime dan detail filling penting. Handle payment dan banking. Make contacts and proposals for package weddings dll. Kepandaian/ kecermatan bekerja serta kecepatan sangat dibutuhkan. Focus dan keterbukaan untuk belajar hal2x baru diharuskan. Scope pekerjaan harus lebih banyak dan tidak hanya pembukuan tapi juga mahir bekerja di kantor dan sudah pengalaman. Negosiasi skills dan communication competency harus ada. Jika anda tipe yg pekerja keras dan pandai dan cakap dalam bekerja segera mendaftar ke tempat kami.

Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jawa Timur / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 15 Maret 08

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan Sekretaris Di Jawa Timur -- Permanen Position --

ROCK Production Wedding PLanner & Event Management & HARVEST Decoration
Address: Kupang Indah X / 29, DArmo Satelite Town, Surabaya Atau PO BOX. 1386, 60225, Indonesia
Contact Person: Abigail

Company Description: We are in the entertainment industry, have been around since 2002 and major in wedding planning, event management and organizer in Surabaya. We also do Corporate events, grand openning dll. We are involved in the planning and production from the beginnig to the end. We also have a decoration division for wedding dll. Our work needs dedicated people as we work within datelines and flexibility in working time and high stamina and energy is needed to maintain high quality service. Creativity, Capability, responsibility and perfectionist people and creative individuals are highly rewarded in this line. We appreciate hard work and those who loves the challenge to succeed. WE WELCOME TALENTED PEOPLE BOTH FOR OFFICE WORK AND ALSO FOR CREATIVE DEPARTMENT.wE ARE EXPANDING AND IN NEED OF PEOPLE IN THE DESIGN GRAPHIC, ACCOUNTING, SECRETARIAL, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING, MARKETING AND SALES, CREATIVE DEPARTMENT,DANCE INSTRUCTOR, CHOREOGRAPHER, MUSIC DIRECTOR ETC.

Job Title: Professional Secretary

Dibutuhkan secretaris, mahir komputer,MIcrosoft Office, shorthand, Power point, bisa membuat makalah/ summary, internet research, email dan fax, pengalaman di bidang jasa dan very fluent di English dan writing skill cukup bagus. Mereka yang dari lulusan hukum/ management/ ekonomi akan sangat relevant. Komunikasi dan kepiawaian bernegosiasi dan customer service sangat penting dan harus pandai mengkoordinasikan dan multi tasking. Mempunyai kendaraan dan bisa kerja independent dan juga secara good team player. Punya sikap yang profesional, tepat waktu, sangat tanggungjawab dan dapat mengatur schedule dengan decepatan dan ketepatan. Mampu menghandle konflik dan membuat menjaga keharmonisan relationship antar partner dna klient
PEnampilan menarik, tutur kata dan sopan santun yang cukup baik, all rounder. Kepiawaian untuk berbicara di depan umum akan sangat membantu.
Mencari mereka yg punya semangat tinggi, energetik, love the challenge dan mau berkarir di industry entertainment secara professional. Tidak mencari yang suka stress/ mereka yang tidak rapi dan hanya bermain-main di profesi ini.

Hours: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jawa Timur / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Application Deadline: 15/02/08

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan IT -- Sangat Menarik --

Employer: PT. Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Address: Graha Mitra Jl. Bintaro Raya No. 19A Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan, 12250, Indonesia
Contact Person: Toto Yulianto
Company Description: Perusahaan jasa yang bergerak di bidang pengelolaan dan penyediaan jasa tenaga kerja dengan klien beberapa perbankan Nasional dan BUMN serta perusahaan tambang

Job Title: Staff IT

Kualifikasi :

Max 24 Thn
Lulusan D3 Komputer
Menguasai Window dan Jaringan LAN

Kirim Aplikasi Lamaran Ke :
PT. Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Jl. Bintaro Raya No. 19A Tanah Kusir
Jakarta Selatan 12250

Atau Via Email :,

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 27/1/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di Preschool

Employer : Peachblossoms Preschool
Address : Harapan Indah - Bekasi Barat, , Indonesia
Contact Person : Ms. Christina
Company Description : Preschool And Kindergarten with National Plus standard curriculum located in West Bekasi and West Jakarta.

Job Title : Teacher Asistant
Age between 20 - 35 years old, loyal, creative, cheerful.

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 02/15/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di MARVEL

Marvel Network Sistem
Address: Mangga Dua Square Blok E-29 Jl. Gunung Sahari I Jakarta, 10730, Indonesia
Contact Person: Melinda
Company Description: Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang komputer dan teknologi informasi

Job Title: Software development staff

Software development staff

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 02/16/2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Lowongan Dengan Gaji Tinggi

Employer : PT Bintang Persada
Address : Wisma BNI 46 Lt 28. Jl.Jend Sudirman kav 1 Jakarta Pusat, 10220, Indonesia
Contact Person : paramita
Company Description : Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang financial yang sedang berkembang pesat dan mencari SDM yang berkualitas.

Job Title : Customer servis

Description : Data Entry

Pria / Wanita
Usia 24 – 55tahun
D3/S1 (PR,CS )
Pengalaman Kerja Min. 1 tahun di bidangnya
Mampu berbahasa inggris min pasif
Komunikatif dengan berbagai kalangan,
Mampu mengoperasikan computer Microsoft office
Berdomisili di wilayah jabodetabek
income +/- Rp. 3.000.000,- s/d 4..000.000,-
Tunjangan : Kesehatan, transportasi
Bonus akhir tahun
Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, pas photo terakhir dan foto copy KTP ke alamat:
E-mail : paramitaa_hrd
021- 94178291
Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jakarta

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :




Contact Person: Muh. Hatta
Company Description: Perusahaan Swasta yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Konsultasi dan Perdagangan Barang.




Hours: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di PT. Granada Utama

Employer : PT.Granada Utama
Address : Apartement Marina tower 1 28th floor. Pantai Mutiara, 14450, Indonesia
Website :
Contact Person: Mr.Yurizh/Ms. Selvi

Company Description: throughout Asia in growing their businesses, and protecting and unlocking their wealth. We specialises in providing a suite of financial solutions, which includes working capital and fixed asset financing, trade financing, accounts receivable management, investment products, cash management and other banking services. Our clients are offered one-stop convenience, quick and efficient service through differentiated and cost-effective channels.

Job Title: Administration Junior officer

1. Graduated with a bachelor degree from a reputable university
2. Min. 2 years experience in same field
3. Hard worker and self starter
4. Able to communicate well have excellent management skills.

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Jakarta / Indonesia
Application Deadline: 30 maret 2008

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :


Lowongan di DEC

Employer : DEC
Address : Pantai Mutiara B7 Jakarta Utara, 14450, Indonesia
Website :
Contact Person: Mrs Ida

Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) is a China state-owned company specialized in power equipment manufacturing and worldwide power projects contracting for thermal, hydro, nuclear, wind, gas turbine, combined cycle power plant and power distribution systems. With the strong capacity and leading technology, DEC represents the power equipment industry level of China and has been nominated by the Chinese Central Government as one of the key state-owned enterprises concerning national economy.

Job Title: General Affair


Handle everyday activity of General Affair.
Interpretaion and Liasion work with local people.

Will be base in Teluk Naga Project Tangerang,Ds Lontar Banten.

Basic Requirements :
• Male, under 25 – 30 years old
• Education : Minimum D3 (S1) from any Major.
• Working Experience : candidate should possess minimum 1 - 2 years
• Language Capability : Active in English (written / oral) Mandarin would be advantage.

Hours: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Banten / Indonesia

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Peluang Bisnis Untuk Anda :